Popular Courses

Courses We Offer

  • Eligibility: Start 3 years pre-graduation, take exam 2 years prior.
  • Hours: 350 hours of class lectures; plus practice, revision, formula, mentoring.
  • Enhance exam accuracy.
  • Develop strong Foundation and Depth in Finance.
  • Eligibility: Level 1 qualified; Final year students or professionals
  • Hours: 200 hours of class lectures; plus practice, revision, and mentoring
  • Focus: 'Item Set' MCQs mastery
  • Building up strongly on the L-1 foundation.
  • Eligibility: Level 2 Qualified; graduates or working professionals.
  • Hours: 180 hours of class lectures; plus practice, revision, mentoring.
  • Learn 'Essay-type' question approach.
  • Apply concepts in various subjects.
  • Eligibility: College Students or Working Professionals.
  • Hours: 260 hours of class lectures; plus Practice, Revision, Formula, Mentoring
  • Enhance accuracy for 100 MCQs in exam.
  • Solid foundation in Finance - Quants, Derivatives, Fixed Income
  • Eligibility: Part 1 qualified; College Students or Working Professional
  • Hours: 190 hours of Class Lectures; plus Practice, Revision, Formula, Mentoring
  • Attempting Risk-related questions accurately
  • Delving into the specifics of Risk subjects
Advance Excel
  • Need to write formulas and create charts
  • Learn Shortcuts
  • Increase your speed and efficiency
MS Word
  • Reduce irritation with formatting
  • Automate mailing and billing process
  • Creating Formal Reports
MS PowerPoint
  • Create as well as deliver presentations
  • Responsible for Reporting, Analysis, or Visualization
  • Front End Deliveries
Data Management
  • Manage, Present, and Analyze Data of any kind
  • Use VBA and macros and automate processes
  • Create Dashboards or MIS
MS Office
  • Increase your speed and efficiency
  • Automate mailing and billing process
  • Create as well as deliver presentations
  • Create Dashboards or MIS
Equity Research
  • Reading annual reports along with concall,quarterly,investor presentations, etc
  • Understanding and writing equity research report
  • Improving writing skills
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